Sunday 10 January 2016

Exercise on Language practice

I think the most important thing is students' interest, so step number one is choosing a topic or situation. Then I think of grammar structures to be practised/revised/learnt. Next step is finding an appropriate picture(like the one from above). You need to make a list of words/expressions/structures to be learnt. Then you make questions using these samples. They must be made in such a way so to make students use necessary structures. Or you can simply write the example phrase.(I think...because I can/can't see...) Students answers should be like what/how and why. For example: I think this girl feels happy because I can see a smile on her face. I think it is warm because we can't see shoes on her feet. I think it is a city park because we can see some big buildings(practising I think and can/can't see). It is quite easy to organise and you can use one picture for one grammar structure or topic vocabulary, then it could be a great material for revision.

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